Where is the temporary file generated by chrome extension? -

a chrome extension generated image file, opened in chrome tab, url of tab


is possible locate temporary file in os?

fyi. here code generate file

 window.webkitrequestfilesystem(window.temporary, size, function(fs){     fs.root.getfile(name, {create: true}, function(fileentry) {         fileentry.createwriter(function(filewriter) {             filewriter.onwriteend = onwriteend;             filewriter.write(blob);         }, errorhandler);     }, errorhandler); }, errorhandler); 

the chrome extension installed on win7 pc at:

c:\users\{myname}\appdata\local\google\chrome\user data\profile 1\extensions\fdpohaocaechififmbbbbbknoalclacl\0.0.15_0 

but cannot find temporary file/folder.

for windows os ,please follow below steps:

1-go c:\users{username}\appdata\local\google\chrome\user data\default\file system

2-sort folders according date modified. find correct folder , open it.

3-go further down through folder (1 or 2 steps).there find captured files without extension (there may file written on type bar).change extensions *.png (or picture format want)



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