android - Manually trigger click on Facebook Native Ad -

i using corona enterprise, , entire ui defined in corona's lua code. have setup facebook native ads, requested test ad, , used:

nativead.getadcoverimage().geturl() nativead.getadcoverimage().getwidth() nativead.getadcoverimage().getheight() 

to download ad image , display @ correct ratio in lua code using:

local function fbimagelistener(event)     if event , event.response , event.response.filename         print("received cover image")         local testimage = display.newimagerect(maingroup, event.response.filename, system.temporarydirectory, e.coverwidth, e.coverheight)         testimage.x, testimage.y = display.contentwidth * 0.5, display.contentheight * 0.5     end end e.coverurl, "get", fbimagelistener, "fbad.png", system.temporarydirectory) 

the problem have if add touch listener in lua code new display object, don't know how trigger "adclicked" function in fb sdk.

i need put native ad corona display group because appear billboard in game world, , needs able move , scale rest of group.

is there way trigger click call manually?

it possible manually trigger clicks , impressions, you'll need whitelisted facebook functionality. can create support case request audience network dashboard

see instructions here getting help:


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