linux - how to issue command to server and issue a command with a delay for 5sec to DUT using single python file -

i want start linux server , issue command wait 5seconds , issue command on dut using python script.

is possilbe within single python script or if @ use 2 python script how it?

this doing

1)i have set ssh login withut password - working fine

2)start server command "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa server_name@ip-address < command >" - working fine

3)wait 5second - working fine

4)need start dut command - not working :(

please me find solution using python

not sure mean dut, commands accepted ssh command parametr:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa server_name@ip-address command 

and if want run command, wait , run second command, easiest way be:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa server_name@ip-address "command1; sleep 5; command2" 


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