regex - Extracting values from a regular expression & removing brackets in C# -

i'm trying take string of html , match instance of [image, h, w] h , w integers can 1200.

this first foray learning regular expressions. here have far:

regex r = new regex(@"\image, (\d+?), (\d+?)\]"); match match = r.match(controltext); 

but in regex tester not selecting final bracket, , in code not matching string should.

so output want 'image, h, w', , there want parse h & w , store them in variable.

i'm junior developer in second week @ first job , think i'm spending way time trying figure out. appreciated.

tuple<int, int>[] imagesizes =     (from match match         in new regex(@"\[image, (\d+), (\d+)\]").matches(controltext)       select new tuple<int, int>(         int.parse(match.groups[1].value),         int.parse(match.groups[2].value))).toarray(); 

example: string controltext = "[image, 1200, 100]abacaldjfal; jk[image, 289, 400]";

imagesizes [1200, 100], [289, 400].

edit: since seems there 1 instance of markup, can following:

match match = new regex(@"\[image, (\d+), (\d+)\]").match(controltext); int h = int.parse(match.groups[1].value); int w = int.parse(match.groups[2].value); 

example: string controltext = "[image, 1200, 100]abcadjfklajdfad;afdh";

h 1200 , w 100.


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