angularjs - How to protect a route from being accessed when logged in? -

i have error handling function responds errors in routing, , redirects user landing page if user not authenticated:['$rootscope', '$location', function($rootscope, $location) {   $rootscope.$on('$routechangeerror', function(event, next, previous, error) {     if (error === 'auth_required') {       $location.path('/');     }   }); }]); 

now want reverse this, if user authenticated, route not available:

.when('/', {   templateurl: 'views/pages/landing.html',   resolve: {     'isauth': ['fbrefs', function(fbrefs) {       return fbrefs.getauthobj().$waitforauth();     }]   } }) 

how alter resolve above check if user is authenticated , if so, redirect /home instead of /?

i tried manually rejecting promise returned resolve makes route disabled no matter if user authenticated or not.

you handle manually $q

.when('/', {   templateurl: 'views/pages/landing.html',   resolve: {     'isauth': ['fbrefs', function(fbrefs, $q) {       var onloggedin = function() {         return $q.reject('no_auth_required');       }        var onloggedout = function(fbdata) {         return fbdata;       }        return fbrefs.getauthobj().$requireauth()         .then(onloggedin, onloggedout);     }]   } }) 

...['$rootscope', '$location', function($rootscope, $location) {   $rootscope.$on('$routechangeerror', function(event, next, previous, error) {     if (error === 'auth_required') {       $location.path('/');     } else if (error === 'no_auth_required') {       $location.path('/home');     }   }); }]); 


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