
Showing posts from April, 2012

php - Captiva Wordpress theme Error -

i'm using windows 7 operating system , have installed wordpress on localhost. i'm using xampp bundle. want create commerce site in wordpress. chose captiva theme this. however, when install captiva theme, shows following error: warning: post content-length of 36013235 bytes exceeds limit of 8388608 bytes in unknown on line 0 sure want this? please try again. what mistake? how can fix issues? you need increase 1 of server's configuration option. can control these using .htaccess, so: #set max post size php_value post_max_size 50m if not use .htaccess file, can alway set in php.ini file changing line: post_max_size = "50m" unfortunatelly not posible change value ini_set

javascript - Convert php Herirachical array to view -

i have heirachical db structure. using recurisive function have stored db values in heirarchical structure array. want display array in format in view .(like tree ). there library in codeigniter supporting that. ? db pk parent name ------------------------- 1 0 animals 2 1 cat my array array ( [0] => array ( [pk] => 1 [parent] => 0 [name] => animals [childs] => array ( [0] => array ( [pk] => 2 [parent] => 1 [name] => cat ) ) )

image - how to add a new field to an array of structures in Matlab -

i have large array of structures fields a(1:10000).image , a(1:10000).size , ... i need add new field, let's a.number . need see a.image in order assign new field value a.number (an integer value). this pseudo-code of need: for k=1:10000 imshow(a(k).image) enter number keyboard assigned a(k).number load next image end i guess gui/script best. code in fast way? how input ? for k=1:10000 imshow(a(k).image) a(k).number = input('enter value'); end

sql - How to convert SSRS report to .svc file using a scheduled job? -

i in need of fetching data sql server 2012, create file (e.g. excel) , export file shared location. how achieve using ssrs? have been suggested convert ssrs report file .svc file type using job schedule. sounds bit peculiar me. suggest, please? thanks in advance. you can achieve using subscriptions (if not running sql server express). take @ this: i think that's far easiest solution - few clicks , you're done ;-)

Password promt not displayed in PowerShell ISE -

i have executable android sdk: keytool.exe call following: keytool.exe -list -keystore mykeystore.ks when executed in cmd, executable promts keystore password. when executed in powershell ise - nothing happens. why password promt not displayed inside powershell? looks powershell ise not support user promt (see comments). pitty, since have been tool

AngularJS: Is it possible to do post-processing of ng-bind-html without $watch? -

i have html content should output ng-bind-html directive, , after manipulations content(for example dom manipulations, jquery plugins, etc). stackoverflow provides me such solution : <div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="myctrl"> <div ng-bind="sometext" my-directive>before</div> </div> so create custom directive higher priority , watch inside: angular.module('myapp').directive('mydirective', function() { return { priority: 10, link: function(scope,element,attrs) { scope.$watch(attrs.ngbind, function(newvalue) { console.log("element ",element.text()); }); } }; }); and demo but far i'm not going change content don't want use $watch . possible without $watch ? option 1 (avoid $watch requested): one option skip ng-bind-html , $compile or $parse html yourself. angular's ngbindhtm

HDIO_GETGEO and HDIO_GET_IDENTITY in Linux using C++ -

can explain core difference between hdio_getgeo , hdio_get_identity . linux documentation know former getting device geometry , latter getting ide identification info . which hdio_ ioctl call should use no. of sectors , bytes per sector of hard disk in linux??

javascript - Any way to create a "state" listener instead of an "event" listener? -

i know can add click or change listener on checkbox. handler changes disabled prop of button true when checkbox unchecked. that's easy. but rather having event-driven, there way have "state" driven? if "state" of checkbox unchecked, "state" of button disabled. doesn't matter kind of event triggers state change. if checkbox in 1 state, button in corresponding state. that's it. here's example of standard event-driven code checkout button should disabled long terms , conditions checkbox unchecked. $('input[name="terms-and-conditons"]').change(function(e, tmpl){ if( === true){ $('#checkout-button').prop("disabled", false); } else { $('#checkout-button').prop("disabled", true); }; }); unfortunately doesn't take account initial states, since requires event happen else happen. on page load, if checkbox unchecked, button still ena

java - What is the best approach? Binary Search Tree : Lowest Common Ancestor using only if statements -

i have solved problem if statements. can solved in various other ways. have started programming, not think of using other data structure solving this. my question : how choose best approach among various ways? , advantages/disadvantages of best approach compared direct naive approach. not problem, in general. how arrive @ possible approach problem? problem statement you given pointer root of binary search tree , 2 values v1 , v2. need return lowest common ancestor (lca) of v1 , v2 in binary search tree. need complete function. my code: static node lca(node root,int v1,int v2) { node r = root; if( r == null){ return null; } else if( == v1 || == v2){ return r; } else if( > v1 && < v2){ return r; } else if( > v2 && < v1){ return r; } else if( > v1 && > v2){ lca(r.left, v1, v2); } else if

osx - SWIFT: NSURL Always either Nil or unusable -

so in swift app, have function selects folder/drive - want use nsurl string. however- when print nsurl comes "optional(file:///(stuff goes here)" when make string comes nil. there i'm doing wrong? code below @ibaction func selectdrive(sender: anyobject) { var openpanel = nsopenpanel() openpanel.allowsmultipleselection = false openpanel.canchoosedirectories = true openpanel.cancreatedirectories = true openpanel.canchoosefiles = false openpanel.beginwithcompletionhandler { (result) -> void in if result == nsfilehandlingpanelokbutton { println(openpanel.url) self.url = openpanel.url! var loc = string(contentsofurl: self.url) println("location @ \(loc)") // var str = string(system("diskutil info \(loc) | grep uuid:")) } } } i have following declared @ top var url = nsurl() @iboutlet weak var drivelabel: nstextfield! any appreciated. sp

backup - Bacula/Bareos disaster recover from scratch using bextract -

on bacula/bareos, document stress importance of catalog bootstrap file must save on somewhere safe, know catalog consist of mysql db dump , optional included bacula/bareos config file, how recover scratch in case whole backup infrastructure gone? is install bacula/bareos software, import mysql , config fire director trick? a bit of old question, i'll provide feed back, if you've done mysqldump of database (or pgdump depending on backend) have catalog in it's full state. believe can restore database new server, , restore old config files (these not stored in dump rather in /etc/bareos). also, make sure same user/password used database user specified in bareos-dir.conf file, or else not able connect database. depending on how storage devices setup may need mess around baroes-sd.conf file. to answer other question off op, can use volume without catalog. it's bit cumbersome, possible following:

php - Insert into not creating new row -

i've been trying mess around registration system. when try insert information database. no new row generated. i'm not getting errors, , code seems legitimate. there don't know insert into? $username = $_post['regusername']; $email = $_post['regemail']; $password = $_post['regpassword']; $cpassword = $_post['regpasswordcon']; $firstname = $_post['regfirstname']; $lastname = $_post['reglastname']; //check username weird symbols if (preg_match('/[\'^£$%&*()}{@#~?><>,|=_+¬-]/', $username)){ // 1 or more of 'special characters' found in string //header("location: /register.php"); echo "your username should contain letters , numbers"; exit; } //check if username taken $check = $con->prepare("select * accounts username=:user"); $check->bindparam(':user',$username); $check->execute(); $result = $check->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc); if

jquery - How to make canvas cursor image dynamic using css or javascript -

i’m building canvas drawing app, can select different colors color tool, how can make canvas cursor image dynamic filled selected color? in advance, following code make cursor image, static cursor image, wanted make dynamic filled selected color color tool. .circle64 { cursor: url(''), pointer; } mvc 5 - c# mvc 5 display model text from list based on id -

i have model: public class model { public string id { get; set } public list<selectlistitem> items { get; set; } } now in view have: @foreach (var item in model) { @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.items.where(t=>t.value ==>t.text)) } basically items property have this: value = 1 text = "somethnig" value = 2 text = "somethnig else" value = 3 text = "somethnig else in here" the id property hold value of item, can 1, 2, 3 , forth . how can display in view text of item rather value? if want acces items lists, try this. @foreach (selectlistitem item in model.items) { @html.displayfor(item.text) } now if var item object of model datattype try this. @foreach (var item in model) { @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.items.where(t=>t.value ==[0].text) } note: if there not object in list complies expression t.value == there not going object in index

c# - asp .net mvc 5 cannot find context class after generating models using Database first -

i learning how work asp .net because need following database first approach & after generated models ado .net way it's shown cannot find context class, there not single 1 added 1 manually, see if might work, still nothing & wondering why using vs 13 free community & ef 6 thank in advance edit : fixed after re-making steps & appears thank brought me idea ps : think issue due me having older version of ssdt & had update after bringing in db due failure when building project at link, on page 'creating web application , data models'. he says this: 'the contosomodel.context.cs file contains class derives dbcontext class, , provides property each model class corresponds database table. course.cs, enrollment.cs, , student.cs files contain model classes represent databases tables. use both context class , model classes when working scaffolding

android - How can i rotate,zoom and scale multiple Imageview on camera surfaceview -

i using link code useful imageview,i want multiple imageview @ time >package logicstree.selfitextcom; import; import; import; import java.util.arraylist; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.bundle; import android.text.layout.alignment; import android.text.staticlayout; import android.text.textpaint; import android.util.floatmath; import android.util.log; import android.view.motionevent; import android.view.surfaceholder; import android

Selenium Webdriver to wait for loading frame content in c# -

i doing selenium webdriver automation facing critical issue frame. in application there link named --print. when user clicks on print link frame window gets opened . on frame there submit button along checkboxes , links. when user selects checkboxes , clicks on "submit" button time again result means" selected checkboxes , links" got displayed on frame. but problem there many links loaded after time. have requirement not use explicit wait because doing performance testing. have wail till frame content load without explicit wait. i have tried many things below while (!table.findelement(by.xpath("//*[contains(text(),'" + tin + "')]/following::span")).text.equals("complete")) //while(!table.findelement(by.xpath("//*[contains(text(),'" + tin + "')]/following::span")).text.equals("complete")) { c

java - Android Navigation Drawer Menu should open When App Starts -

my client requirement open navigation menu when app starts, can't change code code, please give me sample code or idea make code workable. advance. mdrawerlayout.opendrawer(gravity.left) put in oncreate, after drawer initialized.

Can not explore database created by an embedded neo4j -

i encounter strange problem. i created database using embedded neo4j path "/users/bondwong/documents/workspace/pamela/target/data/pamela.db". here spring configuration: <bean id="graphdbbuilder" factory-bean="graphdbfactory" factory-method="newembeddeddatabasebuilder"> <constructor-arg value="target/data/pamela.db" /> </bean> then changed line of org.neo4j.server.database.location=/users/bondwong/documents/workspace/pamela/target/data/pamela.db after that, used curl test system, showed good. here result of getting node id 9: however, when fired server, , use browser see data, nothing shows up: here location, same 1 in spring xml configuration file: here :sysinfo result: here junit test , result, showing insert data: package repositorytest; import static org.junit.assert.*; import java.util.hashmap; import org.junit.test; import org.junit.runner.runwith; imp

encoding - Accented filename on uri returns 404 with node.js request module -

i using request node module fetch content of images. specific 1 has accent on filename, request returning 404. however, valid uri , has nothing encoding. my encoding null based on documentation, expect binary data. played around different encodings have no luck what doing wrong here? missing configuration option?

Meteor Template.onRendered or Template.rendered for using a jquery library? -

i want use chosen(a jquery library) meteor , need use code: $('#ship').chosen(); i tried using .onrendered need wait, if want work template.createtradeform.onrendered(function(){ //strange bug, need wait here or doesn't work.. settimeout(function(){ $('#ship').chosen(); }, 2000); }); same problem solution: template.createtradeform.rendered = function(){ //here again, need wait or doesn't work settimeout(function(){ $('#ship').chosen(); }, 2000); }; is there other solutions problem? settimeout isn't here. edit helper requested template.createtradeform.helpers({ 'getships': function(){ return ship.find() } }); wrap code inside meteor.defer , this: template.createtradeform.onrendered(function(){ meteor.defer(function(){ $('#ship').chosen(); }); }); meteor.defer corresponds settimeout of 0 , it's not in docs. typically solv

c# - EF Don't save using IQueryable in BindingSource -

i've created code first context dbset property i work windows form. if bind follow: _context.schedules.load(); schedulebindingsource.datasource = _context.schedules.local.tobindinglist(); all works great , when save follow: this.validate(); schedulebindingsource.endedit(); _context.savechanges(); the data persists; when bind data this: var res = _context.schedules.where(k => k.employeename.equals(employeecombobox.text)).tolist(); schedulebindingsource.datasource = res; when save data doesn't persis! i'm thinking tolist() method not good, can't find alternative bindinglist connected local set of data inside context. thanks, andrea you can try this: _context.schedules.where(k => k.employeename.equals(employeecombobox.text)).load(); schedulebindingsource.datasource = _context.schedules.local.tobindinglist(); that should bring schedules meet condition. when call load method after where method, going bring memory records meet cond

Wix Toolset - Is there a way to validate silent install property values -

what i'd validate property values entered on msiexec /qn calls. as example, our runtime sql server database authentication, need offer windows authentication , sql user authentication. represent these radiobuttongroup on ui dialog window. default value, "rt_db_logon_type" property, going through ui "sqlauth". for silent installs, i'd to: 1) set default value of "rt_db_logon_type" property "sqlauth", if user enters no value "rt_db_logon_type" property on silent install command line. 2) check launch condition fail if value of "rt_db_logon_type" property set other "sqlauth or "winauth" (case insensitive). my code (located in equivalent of product.wxs file): <setproperty id="rt_db_logon_type" value="sqlauth" before="launchconditions" sequence="both">not rt_db_logon_type</setproperty> <condition message="!(loc.rt_db_logon_type_messg

javascript - Get id of an element through a function -

i have function called in onclick event in checkbox field. <input type='checkbox' checked='' onclick='return changeenable();' id='someid'> and function function changeenable() { var val = $(this).attr('id'); alert(val); } i have returns undefined . syntax wrong or did miss something? those checkboxes dynamically created , have different id's, that's why want id task. note this in changeenable function window . need pass reference element parameter function: <input type='checkbox' checked='' onclick='return changeenable(this);' id='someid'> function changeenable(el) { var val = alert(val); } or, improvement, use javascript attach events better separation of concerns: <input type="checkbox" id="someid"> $(function() { $('#someid').change(function() { var val = alert(val); } })

r - Why are these numbers not equal? -

the following code wrong. what's problem? i <- 0.1 <- + 0.05 ## [1] 0.15 if(i==0.15) cat("i equals 0.15") else cat("i not equal 0.15") ## not equal 0.15 general (language agnostic) reason since not numbers can represented in ieee floating point arithmetic (the standard computers use represent decimal numbers , math them), not expected. true because values simple, finite decimals (such 0.1 , 0.05) not represented in computer , results of arithmetic on them may not give result identical direct representation of "known" answer. this known limitation of computer arithmetic , discussed in several places: the r faq has question devoted it: r faq 7.31 the r inferno patrick burns devotes first "circle" problem (starting on page 9) david goldberg, "what every computer scientist should know floating-point arithmetic," acm computing surveys 23 , 1 (1991-03), 5-48 doi>10.1145/103162.103163 ( revision availa

javascript - How to bind an array of objects in Polymer 1.0? -

i have menu calls iron-ajax content of page, content html file has polymer element requested, works fine. problem have change icons in paper-toolbar depending of content requested. works fine in polymer 0.5, in polymer 1.0 doesn't work. here dom-repeat put icons in dom <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{content.contextualbuttons}}" as="button" id="repitebotones"> <paper-icon-button contextual-action="{{button.action}}" icon="{{button.icon}}" on-tap="{{oncontextualbuttontap}}"></paper-icon-button> </template> this function observer mutations, didn't function, can't understand function does. attached: function () { var self = this; = new mutationobserver(function (mutations) { mutations.foreach(function (m) { (i = 0; < m.removednodes.length; i++) {

python - How to show two fields in view which is of same column in class in openERP -

in openerp purchase module i'm having 2 fields purchase order amendment of 'ordered quantity-old' , 'ordered quantity-new' retrieving data same column. want show 1. 1 field 'ordered quantity- old' should show current purchase order's 'ordered quantity' actual value table , should read field, 2. field 'ordered quantity- new' should not show value(should 0) , once new changed quantity given should update column in table how this? thanks in advance well, idea gave 2 fields have 1 field, can't done. create new field ordered quantity - new , let read-only . , when new quantity given update field . if still find undesirable, set second field invisible, , use helper field. there, store value in , when confirming new field take/store old value in history purposes. in view have old , new, have splited logic , user have easier time understand. third option related field if have connection different table. 'mod

Encrypt json data with secret key on IOS and decrypt it with node js -

i need protect api csrf on post , put requests. to that, think mobile device (example ios) need send api server (node.js) token. token must encrypted , contain json data decrypted server side. to decrypt data, mobile device use same secret key sever know. for example : {_csrf: 123456789} decrypted token sent via mobile device , checked api if match. is right way ? if not right way ? how can encrypt jon data on ios , decrypt on node.js ? (jwt token not have library ios) can provide me example code encrypt data on ios et decrypt on node.js ? just use https, encrypts everything, query string. the content encrypted random symmetric key , key encrypted asymmetric key certificate. additionally symmetric key has short lifetime. additionally not have implements , encryption routines. also note ios9 default require https used connections, http connections need white-listed in plist. if own encryption have problem sharing encryption key between device , server.

Android support for the Square Register API? -

i in in process of developing point of sale applications restaurants both iphone , android. wanted use square process credit card sales seamlessly apps, square register api not available android. would square connect allow app integrate in way customer's food order can taken inside app, , square automatically launched allow customer pay (pre-populating dollar amount), , switch app after payment completed? based on read, square register can (only on iphone), square connect not able this. correct? mean apps won't able integrate square way need them to, have choose different credit card processor work have api functionality need both iphone , android? thanks! @stephen barlow's answer correct @ time, no longer case. square announced register sdk android on may 25, 2016. here blog post:

android - Change Spinner entries after EditText changes -

i want change spinner entries after changing edittext: have 4 edittext: - edit1 - edit2 - edit3 - edit4 i have 2 arrays of spinner entries: - spinner1 - spinner2 the rules: if write in edit1 , edit2 spinner1; if write in edit3 , edit4 have spinner2; if write in edit1, edit2, edit3 , endit4 have spinner1. i can't have 1 edittext completed, 2 first, 2 lasts, or 4 edittext. my spinners in strings.xml: <string-array name="dureeremboursement"> <item>- choisir -</item> <item>5</item> <item>6</item> <item>7</item> <item>8</item> <item>9</item> <item>10</item> <item>11</item> <item>12</item> <item>13</item> <item>14</item> <item>15</item> <item>16</item> <item>17</item> <item>18</item> <item>19</item>

c++ - Returning a Generic container from a Set of Dictionaries -

i have collection of dictionaries (std::maps) store generic containers foo unique id. given such unique id, return corresponding container. not know before hand in dict foo object given id stored, along line of following: #include <map> std::map<id, foo<double>> mapdouble; std::map<id, foo<int>> mapint; template <class t> foo<t> getval(id id) { std::map<id, foo<double>>::iterator itdoub = mapdouble.find(id); if(itdoub != mapdouble.end()) { return = itdoub->second; } std::map<id, foo<int>>::iterator itint = mapint.find(id); if(itint!= mapint.end()) { return = itint->second; } } void bar() { foo<int> foo getval<int>(3); } but following error message error: no viable conversion 'foo <double>' 'foo <int>' which of course makes complete sense. correct way of implementing functionality? guess implementing here sort of

java - How to resolve NoClassDefFoundError while running a servlet on Bluemix? -

this error that's showing when i'm trying run servlet. program runs java application.i deploying servlet on bluemix. edit: i'm trying convert java application servlet can deployed on bluemix. application doesn't have gui. interacts user through console(command line).i'm trying follow advice given here: convert java application jsp/servlet java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org/apache/pdfbox/pdfparser/pdfparser @ test.firstparse.totext( @ test.test.doget( @ javax.servlet.http.httpservlet.service( @ javax.servlet.http.httpservlet.service( @ at [internal classes] any highly appreciated. add apache pdfbox jar file web-inf/lib folder.

Android multiple widget instance with same ID -

i have problem. checked lot of stackoverflow discutions, did not find correct solution me. i have widget, openclosewidget 2 buttons,'open' , 'close'. have configure activity. my problem last id of widget being used every widget. here onupdate method: @override public void onupdate(context context, appwidgetmanager appwidgetmanager, int[] appwidgetids) { log.i(log_tag, "[onupdate] appwidgetids.length = " + appwidgetids.length); (int : appwidgetids) { appwidgetid = i; log.d(log_tag, "[onupdate " + + "] widget id is: " + i); remoteviews views = new remoteviews(context.getpackagename(), r.layout.open_close_layout); xmppserviceinterface remoteservice = null; bindtoservice(remoteservice, context); opencloseinfo.setitem(appwidgetid, views, context, opencloseprovider.this, remoteservice, null); log.i(log_tag, "[onupdate " + + "] opencloseinfo.size(): " + openclos

algorithm - MATLAB 1-D Pseudo Wigner Distribution -

i'm trying implement 1-d pseudo wigner distribution. distribution has expression: where n , k represent time , frequency, m shifting parameter. z[n] vector , z* complex conjugate. author of article it can interpreted discrete fourier transform of product z[n+m]z*[n-m] . i know smartest , fastest way implement (in particular product z[m+n]z*[n-m] , if can apply fft ) because need use expression lot of times. appreciated!

java - How to send an ArrayList<String> to Another Activity and display there? -

how send arraylist activity , display there ? want data activity , send activity , there printed. able pass single string not array of strings code on java file, main activity: edittext et1 , et2 , et3 , et4 ; public final static string message_key = "com.example.prabhav.myapplication.message"; arraylist<string> ar , tr = new arraylist<string>(); @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_full_on); } public void sm (view v) { et1= (edittext) findviewbyid(; string msg1 = et1.gettext().tostring(); et2= (edittext) findviewbyid(; string msg2 = et2.gettext().tostring(); et3= (edittext) findviewbyid(; string msg3 = et3.gettext().tostring(); et4= (edittext) findviewbyid(; string msg4 = et4.gettext().tostring(); ar.add(msg1); ar.add(msg2); ar.add(msg3); ar.add(msg4); tr

node.js - node export module unknown console log "undefined" -

so i'm learning export modules node.js in test.js have (test.js module writen) var library={ name:"timmy", greet:function(name){ console.log("hello "+ name); } } module.exports.library=library; in server.js have: var test=require('./test.js'); console.log(test.library.greet()) then when run node server.js in terminal, gives this: hello timmy library. undefined what "undefined" mean? error? i found similar question here, complicated example couldn't understand.. node module export returning undefined so here whats happening: console inside server.js file prints return of function call. since function call ( test.library.greet() ) doesn't return explicitly return undefined implicitly. thats whats getting printed.

ruby on rails - ckeditor assets are precompilling at each capistrano deployment -

i have used rails 4.1 , capistrano "2.15" , ckeditor gems . while deploying each time ckeditor files being precompiled . i have set ckeditor.setup |config| config.assets_languages = ['en', 'fr'] config.assets_plugins = ['image', 'smiley'] end is there need set ? thanks in advance cp -p public/assets/ckeditor/filebrowser/images/gal_more-54fcc8b86e58e7c1c1cc043f32c5fbe7.gif public/assets/ckeditor/filebrowser/images/gal_more.gif cp -p public/assets/ckeditor/filebrowser/images/thumbs/ckfnothumb-7e8c7fcbddcd0db1923649991a3234ac.gif public/assets/ckeditor/filebrowser/images/thumbs/ckfnothumb.gif cp -p public/assets/ckeditor/filebrowser/images/thumbs/xlsx-c28d62bddfa353a5b2fa3642938cdd16.gif public/assets/ckeditor/filebrowser/images/thumbs/xlsx.gif cp -p public/assets/ckeditor/filebrowser/images/thumbs/mpg-6d0b2d9ff3f72d2b7dc3cc3c75b08839.gif public/assets/ckeditor/filebrowser/images/thumbs/mpg.gif cp -p public/assets/ckeditor

jquery - Javascript replace global parameters in class -

i have developed slider based on foundation in js. has initial configs , functions. 1 instance of slider works, when adding slider page global configs overwritten , first slider controlls second. here's part of code: foundation.libs.slider = { name: 'slider', version: '0.1.0', settings: { callback: function () { }, active_class: "active" }, stat: '', windowwidth: '', slide: '', slidewidth: '', slidecount: '', slidesvisible: 0, bullets: '', bulletshtml: '', bulletscount: 0, bullet: '', init: function (scope, method, options) { this.bindings(method, options); }, events: function () { var self = this; this.s('[data-stats]', this.scope).each(function () { self.slider($(this)); }); }, as understand, each [data-stats] overwriting settings.

How do I take screenshot for Windows Phone 8.1 in WinRT? -

i know how in silverlight can't find enough information on how in winrt. i read winrt xaml toolkit may able exact component, winrt xaml toolkit - composition not seem compatible windows universal app. developing windows phone 8.1 part. winrt xaml toolkit windows phone 8.1 not seem have writeablebitmap.render method either. i've read blit method in writeablebitmapex may able couldn't find example on how achieve this. any deas? you can use rendertargetbitmap create image uielement contains in visualtree. var rendertargetbitmap = new rendertargetbitmap(); await rendertargetbitmap.renderasync(uielement); var pixels = await rendertargetbitmap.getpixelsasync(); var logicaldpi = displayinformation.getforcurrentview().logicaldpi; var encoder = await bitmapencoder.createasync(encoderid, stream); encoder.setpixeldata( bitmappixelformat.bgra8, bitmapalphamode.ignore, (uint)rendertargetbitmap.pixelwidth, (uint)renderta

java - How to disable authentication for one service in Spring Boot? -

i have spring boot application, in of pages secured (you need log in access them) using following security configuration. @configuration @order(securityproperties.access_override_order) class securityconfiguration extends websecurityconfigureradapter { @autowired public void registerauthentication(authenticationmanagerbuilder auth) throws exception { auth.inmemoryauthentication() .withuser("user") .password("myapp") .roles("admin") .and() .withuser("guest") .password("guest") .roles("user"); } @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception { http .httpbasic() .and() .authorizerequests() .antmatchers("/index.html", "/home.html", "/login.html", "/") .permitall() .a